Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder where the person feels drowsy during the daytime and also experiences sudden attacks of sleep. People who undergo this disorder find it really hard to stay awake for a long period of time, irrespective of what the circumstance might be. Due to this disorder, your healthy daily routine can be at a risk. However, we at Vision Hospital Mapusa will help you find the best treatment methods for your disorder.

What are the symptoms of this disorder?
- Excessive sleepiness during the daytime: people with Narcolepsy fall asleep without any notice, at any time and anywhere. When they get up they feel fresh but eventually, they will feel sleepy again. Also, they experience a decrease in concentration and alertness which are considered to be the most troublesome symptoms making it really tough for you to concentrate and focus on your life goals.
- A sudden loss of muscle tone: this condition will cause many physical changes from slurred speech to complete weakness of most of the muscles in the body, this may last up to a few minutes. This condition is uncontrollable and is usually triggered by some intense emotions like laughter or extreme excitement.
- Sleep paralysis: most of the people out there who experience Narcolepsy often have this inability wherein they cannot speak or move for some time while they fall asleep or after they wake up, this condition is temporary.
In case you have other health-related issues then you need to inform your doctor well in advance so that he can tell you which are the appropriate medications that can be taken for Narcolepsy.