Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is also known as ADHD is a chronic condition. It is mainly considered to affect children but there are possibilities that even adults can be affected by it. It can have an impact on their emotions, behavioral patterns and it can also affect their ability to learn new things. If you have anyone suffering from ADHD, you can get them for treatment at Vision Multispeciality hospital Goa.

What are the symptoms of the different types of ADHD?
Predominantly inattentive ADHD
- Can get easily distracted and are prone to missing out on many details
- Have the tendency to get bored easily
- Face trouble when they have to focus on a single task
- They move slowly and it feels like they are daydreaming
- They have the tendency to process information very slowly and less accurately as compared to others
- Find it really difficult to follow instructions and directions
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive ADHD
- They are fidgety and feel restless most of the time
- They have a habit of talking constantly
- Find it really difficult to engage in quiet activities
- They are very impatient
- They are the ones who immediately blurt out answers and comments which can be inappropriate many times
There are drugs that can help you treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but they might have some side effects like sleep problems, mood swings, loss of appetite, heart-related problems, suicidal thoughts, or actions. Apart from treating ADHD in kids and adults we also have other specialist departments at Vision Multispeciality Goa