Droopy eyelids (ptosis) occur when the upper eyelids droop downwards. This can occur as a result of birth defect, eyelid injury, infections, muscle disorder, nerve disorder, eye tumors, due to complications of eye surgery or simply due to aging. It gives the person a tired look, and can even obstruct vision if severe.

Ptosis may also cause excessive forehead wrinkling, abnormal head posture such as chin elevation, and eye fatigue. In children below 8 years of age, droopy eyelids can affect vision leading to a lazy eye (amblyopia). In adults, droopy eyelids are mainly a cosmetic concern. While some less severe ptosis in children can be observed, eyelid surgery is required to correct this problem by repairing the muscle that lifts the eyelid.

If you are suffering from droopy eyes and need more information about the same, please consult

Dr Audrey Quadros at the department of Orbit and Oculoplasty at Vision hospital, Mapusa.