Having to visit the dentist every six months may not be the appointment that everyone looks forward to, but it is one of the most important ones to keep. If you have found yourself wondering what the point of having regular dental treatments in Goa, we’ve got something for you to think about. Here are some of the most important reasons why you should see your dentist regularly:

- Detection of oral cancer: Without knowing the signs of its early onset, oral cancer is often not diagnosed and can quickly progress and become life threatening. Recognizing oral cancer in its early stages is key in treating it successfully, and while you may not notice oral abnormalities, your dentist will.
- Keeping a check over bad habits: Some of the habits include chewing ice, biting your nails, clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, eating particularly sticky or hard sweets, brushing your teeth too hard, drinking coffee and red wine, and of course smoking. Visiting the dentist allows you to fix the damage that has already been done, and help your oral health be the best it can be.
Dentists and dental professionals are not only concerned with fixing teeth. They professionally clean your teeth, aim to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, and check for abnormalities that may otherwise go unnoticed and could be a sign of larger health issues.