Eye Care

Two common fallacies about eye check-ups are that if you can see fine, you don’t need an examination by an Ophthalmologist and that vision screenings are just eye examinations by a different name. A thorough eye examination is recommended for all adults above age of 40 yrs on regular basis.

The common eye problems in adults are:

  1. Glasses for distant as well as near work
  2. Computer Vision syndrome
  3. Cataract
  4. Glaucoma
  5. Diabetic Retinopathy

Computer Vision Syndrome


Eyestrain has been reported with most computer users. Referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome orComputer Stress Syndrome, it involves the manifestation of variety of symptoms such as Eye Strain,Headache, and may at times be indicated by indirect symptoms such as Neck, Shoulder, Back and Wrist pains, General Fatigue and Decreased Visual Efficiency.

What can I do to prevent computer vision syndrome?

  • Stop periodically to blink, stretch and look away from the computer screen
  • Sit approximately 24 inches away from the screen; sitting too close or far may increase eyestrain.
  • Arrange room lightening such that glare on the screen is minimum. Use of anti reflective filter would be a good choice.
  • Check your posture from time to time to reduce neck, shoulder and wrist pains. Keep the wrists straight while typing and not supported on sharp edges.
  • After every 20 minutes of work look away from the screen for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use artificial tears to lubricate your eyes periodically, prefer the use of preservative free tears.
  • Do eye exercises whenever possible – Close eyelids and roll the eyes behind your closed lids once clockwise & once anti clockwise. Take a deep breath & open eyes while releasing breath.