Well, like we are aware, diet plays a very vital role in improving the treatment plan thus you should ensure that it is well planned and monitored. If you know someone suffering from this condition then you need to make sure the individual has a small quantity of meals to sustain stamina and energy. So, here we have made a list of some foods for typhoid which are highly recommended during Typhoid fever. Are you anxious to know what these include? Come, let us quickly take a brief glance at the pointers mentioned below. For further assistance, you can get in touch with our medical experts at Vision Multispeciality Hospital Goa.

The best foods to consume during typhoid fever
Foods rich in protein – the immune system needs to be boosted to help in a speedy recovery process during typhoid fever. Also, you need foods which are helpful in meeting the demands of proteins in your body. This can be obtained from dairy products like yogurt curds and skim milk. Also, you can include eggs in your diet which are a greater source of proteins than red meat. If you are a vegan then products like paneer and boiled legumes should be included in your diet which are also considered to be good sources of proteins.
Comfort foods – when you are unwell, soothing foods like broth and soup are considered to be great meals in combating tiredness and also helps in boosting energy. So, in comforting foods, you can opt for carrot soup, clear vegetable soup, clear chicken soup and clear dal soup.
A diet with high calories – patients suffering from typhoid fever are recommended to have a diet with high calories as this helps in boosting energy. So, a high calorie diet includes foods like boiled potatoes, cereals, rice, bread, bananas and starchy vegetables. This will also avert weight loss which results due to high fever and poor appetite in patients suffering from typhoid fever.