Cataract Symptoms: What to Look For

Imagine living in a world where everything is fuzzy, confused, and blurry. Your previously bright and clear vision has now become a continual source of difficulty. For millions of individuals worldwide who have cataracts, this is their reality. We will discuss the definition of cataracts, warning signs, underlying causes, and different types of cataracts in this blog. We’ll also introduce you to Vision facility in Mapusa, a renowned eye facility that can assist you in regaining crystal-clear vision, if you’re in Goa and experiencing eye issues.

What is Cataract?

Cataracts are a frequent ailment of the eyes that mostly afflict the elderly, however they can sometimes strike younger people. Imagine that the natural lens of your eye is a clear window to get an idea of what a cataract is. This lens may fog over time, like frosted glass; this condition is known as a cataract. Clear vision is achieved by the lens’s ability to concentrate light onto the retina at the rear of the eye. This process is hampered when cataracts develop, leading to visual issues.

Symptoms of Eye Cataract

Detecting cataracts early is crucial for prompt treatment. Here are some common symptoms to look out for:

  • Blurred Vision: A progressive loss of vision clarity is the most obvious indication of a cataract. Even if you wear corrective lenses, you might notice that objects appear fuzzy.
  • Difficulty with night vision: Cataracts can cause diminished contrast sensitivity, which can lead to halos around lights and increased glare, making it difficult to see properly at night.
  • Fading colours: Colours that are fading may seem duller or less vivid than they previously were, making it more difficult to tell one shade from another.
  • Recurrent Prescription Changes: Cataracts may be the cause if you discover that your prescription for contacts or glasses needs to be adjusted frequently.
  • Double vision: Monocular diplopia, or double vision in one eye, is a condition that can result from cataracts.
  • Sensitivity to Light: Increased sensitivity to glare from sunlight or artificial light sources is another symptom to watch for.

What Causes Eye Cataracts?

Understanding the underlying causes of cataracts is essential to prevent or manage this condition. Several factors contribute to cataract development:

  • Ageing: The most prevalent kind of cataracts are age-related ones, which develop as the lens of the eye ages naturally
  • UV Radiation: Long-term sun exposure that exposes oneself to ultraviolet (UV) radiation increases the risk of cataract development.
  • Diabetes: Because high blood sugar affects the lens of the eye, diabetics are more likely to acquire cataracts.
  • Smoking: Quitting or avoiding smoking can lower your chance of cataracts as it is recognised to be a risk factor.
  • Trauma: Even years after an eye injury or surgery, cataracts may develop.


Different Types of Cataracts

Cataracts can vary in location and appearance within the eye, leading to different types, including:

  • Nuclear Cataracts: These develop in the center (nucleus) of the eye’s lens and are often associated with aging.
  • Cortical Cataracts: These form in the lens cortex and are characterized by white, wedge-like opacities that start at the edges and extend inward.
  • Posterior Subcapsular Cataracts: These occur on the back surface of the lens capsule and tend to progress rapidly, impacting near vision and reading.

Vision Hospital in Mapusa

It’s critical that you get in touch with an eye specialist in Goa and experiencing any of these symptoms. The reputable eye hospital in Goa Vision Hospital in Mapusa has skilled ophthalmologists in Goa who are proficient in the diagnosis and management of cataracts. They provide cutting-edge surgical and diagnostic treatments, such as sophisticated cataract surgery methods that can help you regain your clear eyesight.

Your quality of life may be greatly impacted by cataracts, but early detection and treatment can greatly improve your chances. Maintaining good vision starts with being aware of the signs and causes of cataracts. For professional care, don’t hesitate to contact Vision Hospital in Mapusa if you’re in Goa. You can look forward to a better, brighter future with their assistance. Never forget that maintaining the health of your eyes should always come first because your vision is very valuable.