Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery

Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery also known as Oculoplasty surgery, is a specialized branch of ophthalmology that uses the concepts of Ophthalmology and plastic surgery together to operate and reconstruct the eyelids, orbit, lacrimal (tear) sac and the socket functionally as well as to perform cosmetic surgery on the lids and brow.

Oculoplasty surgery helps correct abnormalities of the eye such as drooping of the lids (ptosis), inturning (entropion) or out-turning (ectropion) of the lid margin, defects of the eyelashes and deformities resulting from trauma. Patients who suffer paralysis of lids who often have difficulty in eyelid closure, tumours of the eye, lids  and the orbit,  trauma and fractures involving the bones of the orbit and  problems affecting the eyes due to thyroid dysfunction are treated both medically and surgically by an oculoplasty surgeon.

Problems related to excessive watering from the eyes both in children and adults , due to blockage of the tear drainage system of the eye can also be effectively treated by an oculoplasty surgeon.

Loss of an eye as a result of trauma or surgery can leave a  person with a disfigured face and much emotional distress, But with the advances in modern ophthalmic plastic surgery, these patients can now be rehabilitated to a great extent cosmetically by means of socket surgeries and custom made artificial eyes ( prosthesis).

Our cosmetic surgery in Goa uses procedures which are simple.

Ophthalmic plastic surgery and facial aesthetics

Over time, the beauty of our eyes can be reduced by ageing causing creases ,wrinkles, drooping and eyebags. The aesthetic aspect of oculoplasty deals with rejuvenation and enhancement of facial features with the help of various surgical and non-surgical methods.Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery

Some of the Non Surgical procedures include Botulinum Toxin Injections, which is a simple treatment for wrinkles around eyes, forehead and crow feet. Hollows and folds around the eyes can be corrected non surgically using fillers. These procedures are simple, convenient and the results are visible immediately.

Loose excess skin or weak muscles can cause upper lid sagging and lower eyelid bags. The procedure called blepharoplasty is performed to correct such conditions. The incision in the eyelid is small and is often hidden in the natural skin creases of the lids.


By  Dr. Audrey Quadros